Christmas Donation 2024

In keeping with tradition, MOBILE GmbH has once again chosen two regional aid organisations as the recipients of its annual Christmas donation of 5,000 euros. At a pre-Christmas meeting at MOBILE GmbH's headquarters in Lauda, the company's management presented a donation of 2,500 euros each to the Förderverein Odenwald Hospiz e.V., Walldürn and the Verein gegen sexuelle Gewalt an Mädchen und Frauen, Wildwasser Würzburg e. V. (Association against sexual violence towards girls and women).
As an integral part of MOBILE's corporate social responsibility concept, employees were once again consulted this year to suggest donation recipients. Internal prerequisites for the donation are the non-profit status of the institution and regional roots.
At a meeting at the company's headquarters in Lauda-Königshofen, representatives of the two organisations were welcomed by the MOBILE management. The organisations introduced themselves and their activities in a lively discussion and gave an impressive insight into the sometimes difficult day-to-day work.
Christine Lehner (hospice manager and managing director) and Cindy Hüsken (deputy hospice manager and volunteer coordinator) from the Odenwald Hospice in Walldürn gave an impressive explanation of how seriously ill, dying adults are supported in the hospice until they die. In a secure environment, the hospice team provides guests with dignified care and support through to a peaceful end of life.
Kim Gillmann, social worker and specialist from the child protection team of the Wildwasser e. V. association in Würzburg, gave the participants an insight into the work of the association, which was founded in 1989. The specialist counselling centre for girls and women, their supportive relatives and all professional groups involved in the issue of violence against girls and women has become firmly established in the district of Würzburg and the surrounding area. Seven full-time employees work for the organisation, including qualified psychologists, social workers, an administrative specialist and several volunteers. Although the organisation is publicly funded, it still relies on donations.
CEO Martin Haaf and CTO Dirk Amann then presented the two organisations with a cheque for 2,500 euros each.
Kim Gillmann from Wildwasser was delighted with the financial support: ‘I would like to express my sincere thanks on behalf of the organisation. Donations are enormously important for our work so that we have the means to help all girls and women who have experienced violence quickly and sustainably.’
Christine Lehner from the Odenwald Hospice welcomed the corporate donation initiative from MOBILE: ‘As we have to finance the operating costs, which are not covered by health insurance, purely through donations, we are very pleased about your Christmas initiative to support us financially. Unfortunately, the topic of dying is a taboo subject for many people, even though it should be part of everyone's life.’
Martin Haaf, CEO and Dirk Amann, CTO of MOBILE were very impressed by the work of the two initiatives and commented on the donation: ‘We decided years ago to forego gifts and Christmas cards for customers and partners and instead provide financial support to charitable organisations in the region. We only receive positive feedback from our customers. In this way, we hope to draw attention to the important work of these organisations and encourage other companies and individuals to donate or volunteer for such socially important initiatives.’
About the Hospice Odenwald/Förderverein Odenwald-Hospiz e. V.
The aim of the Odenwald Hospice in Walldürn is to enable people at the end of their lives to die peacefully and with dignity. One of the principles of this organisation is to create a compassionate and protected atmosphere in which the dying and their relatives can feel understood and safe. In order to be able to run the hospice safely, some of the operating costs that cannot be covered by health insurance are covered by the Odenwald-Hospiz e. V. support association, which is financed by donations. The Odenwald Hospice was founded in 2014 and celebrated its tenth anniversary in October 2024.